![Brow Lift Brow Lift](https://www.imedmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/brow-lift.png)
![Brow Lift Brow Lift](https://www.imedmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/brow-lift.png)
Duration of surgery
![Duration of surgery Duration of surgery](https://www.imedmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/duration-of-surgery.png)
1-2 hour
Duration of hospitalization
![Duration of hospitalization Duration of hospitalization](https://www.imedmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/duration-of-hospitalization.png)
1 night
Length of stay in hotel
![Length of stay in hotel Length of stay in hotel](https://www.imedmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/length-of-stay-in-hotel.png)
4 night
You’ve probably heard of a facelift, but do you also know about a brow lift? The brow lift doesn’t just solve the drooping eyebrows in the eyes. You can also opt for this procedure to treat different areas of your face. The brow lift is currently one of the most popular procedures.
The brow lift is an operation aimed at raising eyebrows with the possibility of simultaneously correcting any asymmetry. Changing the shape of the eyebrow curve is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Eyebrow surgery isn’t only indicated for cosmetic reasons but is also used to correct facial symmetry in certain diseases such as facial nerve palsy.
The brow lift is becoming a general procedure worldwide, including in our agency iMed Medical. The face and forehead complement a person’s overall appearance, and the area between the eyebrows underlines individuality. In the aging process, there isn’t only a loss of elasticity and a decrease in the forehead; wrinkles occur between the eyebrows and forehead. The most common facial expressions include a worried, tired, wrinkled, or frowning expression that adds to the years and takes away the beauty. You can solve these accompanying phenomena (for problems such as reducing the effects of aging and softening facial expressions) in a modern and gentle way with the help of a brow lift procedure.
Patients initially want their eyelids corrected but often don’t realize that the problems are usually caused by sagging of the anterior wall or brows. Forehead and brow lifts can combine for a better and more effective result. The brow lift is a procedure that lifts the forehead and brows while simultaneously rejuvenating the eye area: We surgically model your brows. In addition, our specialist corrects wrinkles at the base of the nose, transverse, and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, or gently move your brows to create a brighter and more festive look.
The brow lift in Turkey performs under general anesthesia. A brow lift can do in various ways by raising the forehead or reshaping the brows for perfect symmetry. For brow lifts in Turkey, our surgeon can always combine any method. In a standard plastic treatment, the surgeon makes the incision above the hairline, and the surgeon hides this incision below the hairline or makes a scar just above the brow (in case of repair). The brow lift process takes about 1.5 to 2 hours and allows you to return to your private life after a few weeks of recovery, depending on the area treated or the extent of the intervention. The treatment is for both women and men, and for an even better result, this procedure can combine with other aesthetic procedures such as facelift, lipofilling, and botulinum toxin application.
What is Brow Lift?
The brow lift is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon can lift the eyebrows, change their shape, and remove asymmetries. The process performs under general anesthesia, and the swelling and bruises disappear within a few weeks after the operation. The result of the function tends to be long-lasting.
A brow lift or aesthetic brow surgery reduces wrinkles in the forehead and nose. It lifts eyebrows, adjusts their curves, and thus changes your overall appearance. The skin on your forehead will fade, and you will look younger. The procedure can combine with plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids and Cat eyes surgery. However, this isn’t usually necessary as the brow lift also lifts the eyelids. Alternatively, our surgeon may supplement with a facelift.
Several different procedures fall under brow lift. The easiest way is to remove the skin above the brows, which will raise the brows. For brow lifts in Turkey, our company uses endoscopes for you to have a comfortable experience.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for Brow Lift?
The brow lift procedure is one of the surgeries performed on people who experience loosening skin, wrinkle formation, and sagging in their eyebrows as they age. Ideal candidates for brow lift in Turkey are all men and women between the ages of 40 and 60 who want a youthful appearance. However, of course, it can also be performed on younger people if there is significant loosening of the skin on the forehead and brow area earlier than average and on older people who meet the medical conditions for surgery.
In Turkey, a brow lift is used for cosmetic purposes and to eliminate facial asymmetry in some diseases such as facial nerve palsy. If correction is impossible in aesthetic medicine and dermatology, for example, with lifting threads, we recommend you choose this procedure. This procedure can be very effective for you if you have signs of aging, drooping eyebrows, and a sullen look on your face.
Brow lift surgery will help if you have a constantly tired, sad, or grumpy look, deep wrinkles on the forehead, or excess skin over the eyes. If you notice something like this in yourself, don’t hesitate and come to us for consultation. As we mentioned, a brow lift isn’t just a cosmetic issue. It can also help after facial nerve palsy and other diseases that disrupt the symmetry of the face. Even young people who aren’t satisfied with the shape of their brows or have asymmetrical eyebrows can have this procedure done.
We recommend that patients with severe chronic diseases, pregnant women, or smokers consult with our surgeon first. In addition, the incidence of complications is higher in smokers; the healing process is longer and more complex. At the same time, you must be healthy at least one month before the operation.
What Happens at the Brow Lift Consultation?
The initial consultation in Turkey is the primary step for a brow lift consultation. Our specialist will advise you on whether this brow surgery suits you and how to perform it. Also, the surgeon will tell you what precautions you should take before the procedure. You will need an essential pre-operative examination to rule out possible complications. Since the surgeon will operate under general anesthesia, you should not eat, drink, or smoke on the day of surgery. Contact us if you get sick; for example, we can delay the procedure if you have the flu.
You will feel completely safe with us. That’s why we’ll be with you throughout the process. You will receive all the necessary information from our doctor and consultant during the consultation. You can be sure that you can always contact us if you have any questions later.
Before deciding on a brow lift operation, you will have a preliminary examination with one of our plastic surgeons. Therefore, we recommend you write down your questions, so you don’t forget to ask them during the initial assessment. It would be best if you felt safe as there is so much information to handle.
During the preliminary examination, we discuss your wishes, and our plastic surgeon examines you. Based on this, the plastic surgeon will explain to your which technique is most suitable to give you the result you want, and together with our surgeon, we will decide whether a brow lift is ideal for you. The surgeon will inform you about the operation, the expected progress after the procedure, and possible side effects and complications.
It would be best if you remembered that the result of a brow lift is permanent, but your body’s natural aging continues and eventually changes your outcome. How fast the body ages are individual, and many factors such as hereditary factors, smoking, and sun exposure play a role in your aging. It is also important to remember that surgery is associated with a specific risk of complications. The result may not always meet your and your plastic surgeon’s expectations and wishes.
Is Brow Lift Risky?
Brow lift risks may arise during the actual surgical procedure, anesthesia, or postoperative period. Complications can vary, and serious complications rarely occur, especially in patients with worsening general conditions or severe drug allergies. Very rarely, damage to critical subcutaneous structures (vessels, nerves) may occur. We cannot make a complete list of all possible brow lift complications. The most common complications are more general, such as bleeding, wound infection, blood circulation disorders at the wound edges, healing conditions, and scarring:
- Postoperative bleeding: In exceptional cases, an operative revision requires. This doesn’t affect the final effect of the brow lift operation, only slightly prolonging the treatment.
- Infection: In case of infection, prolonged administration of antibiotics, possibly wound drainage, is necessary.
- Necrosis: Death of a part of the skin is infrequent. The doctor surgically removes the necrosis and reconstructs the defect.
- Injury of facial nerve branches for the forehead: This is a rare but possible complication. In most cases, the condition resolves independently after rehabilitation; surgical revision and nerve suturing are sometimes required.
- Injury of sensitive nerves in the forehead area: Although this problem is infrequent, it can occur. The condition resolves on its own, or the nerve needs to be surgically corrected and sutured.
- Drugs, disinfectants, anesthetics, suture materials, band-aids allergies: Our surgeon will inform you during the brow lift consultation so that such problems don’t arise.
- Pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis: Pulmonary embolism are a severe complication that may have permanent consequences in terms of cardiac overload or threaten the patient’s life.
- Scars: Less noticeable scars (large, hypertrophic, keloid) may occur in this surgery compared to other surgeries. However, hair loss is possible around the fault, giving the impression of a large scar.
How Do You Prepare for the Operation?
Once you have given your informed consent for the brow lift and set a specific surgery date with your surgeon, you should follow several essential precautions to optimize both the surgery’s outcome and the surgery’s outcome. To ensure that the intervention takes place as safely as possible, you need to pay attention to these:
- We recommend you avoid smoking four months before and preferably longer than before and two months after the brow lift procedure, as it delays wound healing and increases the risk of scarring. Smoking causes the small blood vessels that feed the tissue to narrow. This results in less oxygen and more connective tissue, resulting in a greater risk of scarring as this is connective tissue. Likewise, scars tend to enlarge when smoking. The risk of serious complications, such as blood clots, is minimal in all operations. This risk increases with smoke use.
- Stop taking drugs and vitamin preparations (vitamin C, E, and others) that affect blood coagulation at least one week before the brow lift.
- Avoid large jobs such as tattoos, piercings, or fillings for one month before and one month after surgery. This is because bacteria build up in the blood, increasing the risk of infection associated with tattooing, piercing, and dentistry.
- It recommends avoiding drugs containing vitamin E, Q10, fish oil, and cod liver oil in addition to the active substance acetylsalicylic acid two weeks before and one week after the brow lift as this may cause an increased tendency to bleed. Also, avoid any natural remedies that your surgeon hasn’t explicitly approved, and be sure to notify the clinic if another doctor starts you on medication in the meantime.
- You should not drink alcohol, wine, and beer 1 week before the surgery. You should also pay attention to your diet before any operation. Our doctor will tell you the rules of this.
- Also, avoid using creams on your problematic skin. Avoid contact lenses and leave jewelry at home. Any piercings should also be avoided and removed before the brow lift.
- If you feel unwell by the time of surgery, for example, with a cold, flu, or other symptoms, you should contact the surgeon as soon as possible, as the surgery will delay in some cases. The same is true if you have a wound near your problem area. Suppose you have an infection, injury, abscess, or bruise in the respiratory tract, sinuses, throat, urinary tract, abdomen, or teeth and gums. In that case, you should consult our specialist before the brow lift. If something new has happened since your examination, it’s better to go to the clinic for investigation than risk having the process canceled when you come for the operation.
This is a planned brow lift. So, consider its optimal timing. Before brow lift, you will undergo a pre-operative examination. You can arrange the inspection with our doctor, or our agency iMed Medical will arrange it for you. Before the procedure, inform our doctor again about possible allergic reactions and serious diseases (for example, heart disease) that you must treat. Also, please give information about all eye diseases, especially ocular glaucoma.
What is the procedure for a Brow Lift?
Today, surgical procedures for brow lifts can differ significantly in the extent and location of postoperative scars, the number of possible complications, the need to use foreign materials, technical complexity, and the time to result.
It is also possible to talk about suspension operations where approaches from the hairy part of the head use more absorbable and non-absorbable materials. This includes brow lift surgery performed at the same time as upper eyelid surgery. Finally, there are procedures in which the entire forehead skin is manipulated, with the possibility of solving wrinkles. In these, one or more incisions of various sizes make on the hairy part of the head, and the soft tissues straighten from them.
Among the most modern yet technically demanding methods is an endoscope, which allows precise treatment of all affected structures and allows the procedure to carry out under visual control with minimal scarring.
Our agency iMed Medical uses an endoscope to increase your result for the brow lift procedure in Turkey. The process involves raising the brow line to its original height. The doctor can achieve this with several possible operative procedures. The most appropriate system determines by local findings, as well as any other related planned methods that may affect the position of the eyebrows and your condition. Brow lift steps in Turkey consist of the following:
- Anesthesia
Before the brow lift, you will receive general anesthesia to maximize your comfort and experience. So, you will stay overnight in the hospital after the procedure.
- Incision
The specific procedure of brow lift varies greatly depending on the surgeon’s chosen method. Sometimes the doctor makes several small incisions on the hair or temples. If surgery requires lowering the forehead, the doctor makes the incision at the hairline border, and the scar can see later. However, you can hide it with a hairstyle.
In Turkey, the surgeon generally makes short and long incisions on the hairy part of the forehead and temples, or the surgeon makes a larger incision between the two earlobes, depending on the size of the area after anesthesia. The doctor pulls out the anterior skin tissue and uses the endoscope. The doctor removes the excess skin and inserts the drains.
- Final
Our surgeon closes your wound with aesthetic stitches. To prevent large swellings in your operated area, the doctor fixes it with a special compression bandage. Its task is to help tissues heal faster. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, your area may appear swollen.
How is the recovery after Brow Lift?
Postoperative pain isn’t great; ordinary painkillers will be enough for you. But the pain threshold is personal; we won’t tell you in advance how painful the brow lift recovery will be. You may see bruises and swellings at the brow lift site. These will take one to two weeks to disappear. Wear the elastic compression bandage carefully to speed up the healing process as much as possible. It reduces swelling and bleeding. You should not remove it for the first 24 hours after a brow lift.
Since it is an intervention on the face area, you should stay away from physically demanding activities for a few weeks.
Arrange for postoperative care. Take sunglasses with you. Monitor your postoperative body temperature daily (it can typically fluctuate up to 37.5C after surgery), drink plenty of fluids, and take medication as your doctor recommends. Follow the exercise recovery regimen.
Days 1 to 7:
- The doctor will cover your scars after the brow lift.
- Carefully apply cold compresses for the first five days.
- If lying down, lie on your back with your head elevated (on two pillows or a reclining headrest) or in a semi-sitting position.
- Avoid bending forward and all physical activities that increase heart rate and blood pressure.
- Minimize reading, watching TV, and working on the computer for the first week after a brow lift.
Days 7 to 15:
- Wear sunglasses outside (if necessary).
- You can gently wash the eye area without pulling the skin around the sores. Swelling and sometimes bruising is a typical symptom and usually goes away within 2-3 weeks.
- Likewise, it is normal to feel pulling, tension, and sensitivity in the operated area.
15 and later days:
- You can do pressure massages, lubrication of the scars, and possible make-up on the peripheral parts of the wounds.
- Don’t use contact lenses for the first six weeks, and don’t do cosmetic facial massage. Sunbathing is only possible after the scar has completely disappeared, but only after covering it with sunglasses or applying sunscreen with a protection factor.
What Results Will Be After Brow Lift?
You can evaluate the brow lift results in Turkey after six weeks at the earliest. The results of the operations tend to be very satisfactory and long-lasting. However, it is essential to remember that even the best-applied eyebrow lift doesn’t stop time. The brow lifts smoothest the treated area for a more youthful appearance.
It is a versatile solution with minimal postoperative burden and pain. It has minimal side effects. It is a safe aesthetic medicine method that doesn’t burden the organism, and this procedure gives you a natural, rejuvenated appearance.
Why Prefer Turkey for Brow Lift?
There are many reasons for choosing Turkey and our agency iMed Medical for a brow lift:
- Many years of experience of our doctors in plastic surgery
- The choice of many patients from all over the world
- Rely on a comfortable environment
- Every patient is unique to us. We approach everyone individually.
- In addition to the classical methods in plastic surgery and brow lift, we choose unique ways widely used in Turkey.
- We use only quality materials.
- We communicate in many different languages. You can speak with our experts and consultants in many languages.
- Our patients trust us, and we try not to disappoint them. During a personal consultation, they get to know their doctor, who will discuss everything with them professionally and answer all their questions. They trust us, entrust their bodies to us, and we try to do our best for their satisfaction. We never force them to do what they don’t want to do. That’s why our consultations are non-binding!
- We want everyone to feel comfortable with us. We aren’t a large-scale beauty factory; we guarantee a professional approach, equipment, and knowledgeable doctors with experience in plastic surgery.
- Individual approach is our philosophy.
- We devote enough time and care to each customer.
- You will find unique methods you will never see or occasionally find in competition with us. Our doctors train at congresses and conferences around the world. In our clinics or hospitals, you will find new devices from the most well-known brands on the market. The professionalism of our doctors, high hygiene standards, and a sterile environment guarantee our customers’ health and satisfaction. We use high-end devices in an endoscopic brow lift.
- Maintenance doesn’t end with the process itself. We take care of high-quality postoperative care and regular postoperative check-ups. Our specialists call patients after surgery and make sure of their health. Professionalism with us isn’t just about doctors but all clinic staff, from doctors to anesthetists, nurses to clinic managers.
Before and After Brow Lift Photos
You will see the procedure’s success with the brow lift in Turkey before and after photos. Plastic surgery can create incredible transformations. Not only does it affect your appearance, but it can also make a massive difference to your self-confidence and glow. We saw significant patient changes, especially before and after the brow lift. We’re finally seeing happier patients resting within themselves.
What are the costs for Brow Lift?
Health tourism in Turkey is focused on improving the existing infrastructure. The local government has established the country as a medical tourism destination for international visitors. As a result, prices are reasonable.
The brow lift cost in Turkey is significantly lower than in the US, UK, or other countries. The surgeon and the facility determine the brow lift prices in Turkey and the technique used.