Hair Transplant for Women

Duration of surgery

Duration of surgery

6-8 hour

Duration of hospitalization

Duration of hospitalization

Length of stay in hotel

Length of stay in hotel

2  night

It isn’t known to many that women can lose their hair like men and experience complete or partial baldness. However, hair transplant for women exists both in Turkey and abroad. We replace hair with hair transplants yearly to improve countless women’s lives. If you suspect hair loss, don’t wait too long to consult our surgeon!

All women lose some of their hair every day. Getting rid of dead skin cells is a natural process. Strands fall out every time you wash or style your hair, and new ones emerge. But for some women, it’s more than just a few hairs. Many hairs may fall out at once or entire tufts of hair. The result is thinner hair or, at worst, bald areas on the scalp. Unfortunately, women tend to wait too long to see a doctor about hair loss. Many people attribute this to stress or a poor diet. But as a woman, there may be other, more serious reasons for losing a disproportionate amount of hair.

Some reasons may lead to the need for hair transplants for women. Check out the top three causes of hair loss in women:

  1. Chemotherapy
  2. Other diseases
  3. Alopecia areata

Unfortunately, one of the cancer-related side effects of chemotherapy is your risk of losing your hair. For those who aren’t lucky enough to regrow their hair, a hair transplant for women may require.

A hair transplant for women is no different from a hair transplant for men. But the reasons are often other. Telogen effluvium encompasses several causes of hair loss due to diseases or health changes. Some types of medication can cause more or less hair loss. Pregnancy can thin hair, and problems with the thyroid gland or primary operations can cause hair loss. High fever, blood loss, iron deficiency, hunger, stress, palpitations, and dieting can also cause women to lose more hair than usual.

Women generally believe in suffering from a type of hair loss called alopecia areata. This hair loss disease causes you to lose large tufts of hair and then experience baldness in the areas where the hair to shed. Nature ultimately decides whether a woman’s hair will fall out, and women should explore the possibility of a definitive hair transplant for women. But in most cases, women can do some things before this solution.

To stop hair loss from turning into full or partial baldness, women must defy history and consult a doctor about hair loss at a much earlier stage than previously seen. If the cause of hair loss is a disease or its treatment, there is rarely anything you can do on your own to prevent or slow hair loss. In such cases, many choose a hair transplant for women.

Natural prevention of hair loss starts with healthy habits, good nutrition, and a good lifestyle with regular exercise before the condition becomes critical. Among other things, health can see in the hair. Therefore, the hair will also be a good indicator if the body isn’t working as it should. Whether it causes by external influences or genetics, it’s a good idea to get early attention to the hair loss problem. Although we can relatively expect age-related hair loss in men, we generally cannot predict hair loss in women at any age. But the truth is that about a third of women lose their hair at some point. More than 10% of premenopausal women and over 50% of women over 65 struggle with hair thinning.

Female pattern hair loss is a debilitating problem for women, which isn’t considered a significant problem. Considering that hair loss is socially unacceptable from a woman’s point of view, hair loss in women often has a more substantial impact than hair loss in men. Hair loss can seriously affect women’s emotional well-being, self-confidence, and quality of life, leading to psychological distress and reduced social functionality.

The primary type of hair loss in women is the same as in men, so it is known as androgenic alopecia or, more commonly, female pattern hair loss, as we mentioned above. It characterizes by a gradual decrease in the duration of the growth phase and progressive follicular miniaturization.

Hair loss in men usually starts above the temples and forms the typical ‘M’ shape at the end of the diminishing hairline. This is accompanied by a thinning of the top of the head and often leads to baldness. Unlike men, women don’t usually go bald. But thinning of hair on the crown and scalp is quite common. The gradual thinning accompanies an increase in the rate of diffuse hair loss from the peak of the head. Female pattern hair loss can occur at any time in a woman’s life, from adolescence to late adulthood.

The initial diagnosis makes by careful analysis of the patient’s physical appearance and family history. With hair transplant for women in Turkey, hair loss is no longer a problem. Our expert surgeons give you the look of your dreams with the hair transplant for women procedure.

What is Hair Transplant for Women?

Hair transplant for women transfers hair from the donor area to sparse or bald spots, just like in men. With the hair transplant for women procedure in Turkey, our experts use the most effective treatment methods. After this procedure, you can achieve results quickly and be shocked. Your hair will now be much denser and bushier than before.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for the Hair Transplant for Women Procedure?

The type of hair loss in women is different from men. Male pattern baldness affects the upper parts of the scalp, while healthy hair with resistant follicles remains intact on the sides and back of the head. While female pattern baldness usually affects the scalp, women don’t have large areas of hair follicles resistant to shedding. The sides and back of the hair tend to be messy in the same way as the front and top of the head.

Especially some young girls have broad foreheads. Women with this condition can choose between a forehead lift (the most significant risk is a large scar) or a hairline reduction.

Therefore, being a candidate for a hair transplant for women depends on meeting complex criteria. The group of women accepted as potential candidates for hair transplant in Turkey is as follows:

  • You have been diagnosed with female pattern hair loss with characteristics similar to male hair, and you have enough donor hair for hair restoration surgery.
  • You naturally have a high hairline, which is uncomfortable for you.
  • Your hairline shrinks due to aging.
  • You have lost some of your hair due to non-hormonal traction alopecia.
  • You experience hair loss as a result of injuries. These include accidents or burns.
  • You have marginal alopecia, an inherited hair loss affecting your front hairline and temples.
  • If you are experiencing hair loss due to trichotillomania, where you tend to pull hair from your scalp, this procedure will suit you.

Before preparing for the hair transplant for women, patients should thoroughly examine by our surgeon specializing in hair restoration to ensure they don’t have any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to hair loss. Because hair transplants for women’s options are the same as their male counterparts, the next step is to decide whether to have Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) to achieve the desired results.

This procedure can be tricky, as the pattern of hair loss in women is generally more common than in men. However, if the conditions related to hair density adequately meet, an experienced and competent medical team will give the desired results with high success.

Popularly preferred methods for hair transplant for women, FUE and DHI, are advanced implantation procedures performed using the same extraction methods. However, the types of implantation devices used are different. Both approaches begin with the injection of an anesthetic. As soon as the anesthesia shows its effect, the extraction phase starts. Hair grafts collect from the donor area according to the hairline plan prepared using a perforator or forceps.

Minor cuts are then made with a microneedle in the recipient site, while DHI doesn’t require this cleavage step. Implantation begins immediately after the incision preparation. DHI uses a particular implantation device called the Choi pen, which can hold 1 to 4 hair grafts simultaneously. The extracted roots strategically place in small pieces, and the hair follicle transplant completes. The newly transplanted hair grows like the patient’s original hair 3-6 months after the operation. It will take approximately 12-18 months for the transferred hair to reach the desired density with a volumetric prognosis.

With all this, the most appropriate age for hair transplant for women is individual. Hair loss may begin in adolescence if a woman experiences genetic hair loss early or receives chemotherapy due to cancer. Others only experience genetically determined hair loss later in life.

Hair loss due to the disease is the best treatment after the course of the illness is over. However, some patients prefer a permanent hair transplant because of the long-term disease course. This is the patient’s own decision.

Hair Transplant for Women
starting from €2350

What happens at the Hair Transplant for Women Consultation?

Before the hair transplant for women, you will have a consultation with our surgeon. Our surgeon will explain the procedure to you during this consultation. You will also be able to determine if you are eligible for the process at this stage.

You can ask the questions you have in mind while our surgeon advises you on risks, care, techniques, and more. The consultation is essential for you to understand the procedure clearly.

What are the Risks of Hair Transplant for Women?

Although hair transplant for women in Turkey is relatively risk-free, surgery always has potential side effects. The risk of these minor effects is shallow; although they occur, they only last a few weeks.

First, a common complication of the hair transplant for women procedure is swelling and bruising of the scalp. Don’t worry, as this is completely normal and harmless. After a few days, the swelling completely disappears. A decrease in sensitivity at the top of the head is also a possible side effect of the procedure, which subsides after a few days.

Bleeding is another possible side effect of the procedure. This can happen during the operation or in the following days. It is imperative to know that smoking, drinking, or using blood thinners should be avoided at all costs before and after surgery, as these impair blood circulation and increase the risk of bleeding.

Infection and inflammation are also considered a risk for this operation, even if the intervention is minimally invasive. Regular drug therapy will significantly reduce these risks. Scabs on the scalp areas where hair has been removed or transplanted are another possible complication of hair transplant for women surgery. These crusts will begin to fall off after a few days. However, it is essential to know that scratching these scabs will significantly delay the healing process in the affected areas. Keeping your scalp clean will also be an effective solution for itching.

How to prepare for Hair Transplant for Women?

There is a process from before hair transplant for women to post-treatment, which is the same for any hair transplant for women, whether in Turkey or abroad. Before starting a hair transplant for women in Turkey, there is often a lengthy decision-making process. There may be financial or other considerations to consider in a possible situation. Planned treatment should study in terms of expertise and prices, just like the market. If you are planning a hair transplant due to an illness, it may be a good idea to wait until the disease is over, partly for probable reasons.

A preliminary examination will always be the first step in natural treatment. Here, our specialist evaluates whether a woman is suitable for a hair transplant, decides where the new hairline should be, and how many grafts should be transplanted. Grafts are small strands of hair that are moved from an area of ​​the scalp (usually from the back or sides) to the site to be transplanted.

Quit smoking as it significantly delays healing wounds before and after the hair transplant for women in Turkey. You should also limit your alcohol intake. Don’t drink blood thinners such as aspirin and its derivatives. Don’t use any supplements or drugs. Continue to eat healthily and drink plenty of fluids.

What are the procedure for Hair Transplant for Women?

This may be a fundamental question for those who want a natural hair transplant and benefit from its results. We will explain the steps of hair transplant for women in Turkey. So as much as possible about how to do this procedure you will know. There are different methods for hair transplant for women that are very similar to each other. The only difference between these methods is that the hair follicles take from the donor area. Therefore, all the steps of performing the hair transplant for women methods are similar except for the removal of hair follicles; the actions of achieving a natural hair transplant usually include the following:

  • Determination of hair growth line

In this step, in addition to asking the applicant’s opinion, our surgeon determines the number and place required for the hair transplant. The specialist draws the hair growth line on the patient’s head using a marker.

  • Anesthesia

For your comfort during the hair transplant for women procedure in Turkey, the donor site and the recipient area will be kept under anesthesia using drugs such as lidocaine.

  • Removal of hair follicles from the donor area

The doctor selects an area with a high density of hair on the back or around the head and removes the hair follicle using medical instruments. This step is different from the FUE method and its subsets.

  • Transfer of hair grafts to the desired area

After the surgeon cuts and prepares the area where the hair will be removed, the surgeon will manually place the grafts on the bald spot or with a device. To naturally transplant hair to the desired location, tiny incisions make on the scalp, and hair follicular units are placed in these areas.

  • Final

After the hair transplant for women procedure, which can take about 4 to 8 hours, the surgeon informs the person about the care points and prescribes the necessary drugs. Finally, substances such as antiseptics use on the skin of the desired area, and the scalp is closed after dressing.

The treatment itself takes place with anesthesia of the scalp. This means that the patient doesn’t feel pain during the transplant and is fully conscious throughout the procedure. The first part of the procedure proceeds by taking the grafts taken from the donor area, that is, from the neck or the sides, and then transferring them to the planned site in the second part of the treatment. The movement of grafts is a detailed and very delicate task that requires experience and routine from the surgeon.

What are the Advantages of Hair Transplant for Women?

Considering the annoying effects of hair loss in women, you might think that a hair transplant for women is the most common part of the solution process for women experiencing hair loss. Unfortunately, despite the increasing number of annual hair transplant surgeries, patients still doubt such interventions for various reasons. However, we believe that understanding the advantages and benefits of a hair transplant will be the key to overcoming the hesitation of this procedure:

  • Minimal invasion: Hair transplant for women operations are considered surgical procedures, but the lack of sutures makes FUE hair transplant methods minimally invasive. We recommend rest for a few days, however, the day after the surgery.
  • Natural results: The hair transplant for women procedure provides the most realistic results compared to less advanced methods. Patients may be concerned that the doctor cannot see the transferred hair. However, our skilled surgeon and modern surgical equipment ensure that no visible deterioration is possible.
  • Simple and painless procedure: A hair transplant for women is a simple procedure. The process completes in less than a day, and patients can return to their daily lives in a day or two. As anesthetics are an integral part of the surgery, patients don’t feel pain and the after-effects are reversible with minimal precautions.
  • Redirected hair: Hair transplant for women uses the patient’s hair follicle; otherwise, the system rejects the foreign tissue. As a result, newly transferred hair functions similarly to natural hair and doesn’t require special care, such as special shampoos or chemicals, to maintain its density.
  • Permanent results: After the hair transplant, the newly transferred hair falls out as an expected stage of the operation and grows back in 3-6 months. The hair follicles are located on the thinning or balding parts of the scalp. Considering the resistance of these hair follicles to hair loss, they are definitely permanent.
  • Mental impact: Hair is considered an essential part of body aesthetics, and the importance given to hair makes women with hair loss grapple with problems with self-confidence and self-esteem. Thus, hair transplant for women becomes a vital source of mental support and improves body image.

How is the Recovery After Hair Transplant for Women?

There are several care instructions that you should always follow carefully during the recovery period after the hair transplant for women in Turkey. Minor wounds will naturally occur in the donor area where the grafts take and the area where they place. You should treat all your injuries carefully according to our surgeon’s instructions. Transferred hair doesn’t shed like natural hair; after healing, it is possible to dye and perm the hair like other hair on the head.

After the surgery, you will enter the healing process quickly, as the procedure doesn’t cause tissue damage. After the operation, you can leave the clinic immediately without any problems. There may be visible crusting on the affected areas, and your forehead and back of the scalp may be swollen and tight for several days. You don’t have to worry because it will all pass soon. There are several measures to speed up the recovery phase, as well as several measures, including:

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions about how often you should wash your hair and use only recommended cleaning products.
  • Don’t brush your hair too hard for 3-4 weeks.
  • It would be best if you avoid strenuous activities or strenuous exercise for several weeks. Otherwise, your new hair may become loose.
  • You can use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
  • Rest is an integral part of the healing process.
  • If our specialist has given you drugs such as antibiotics and painkillers, it is imperative that you follow your doctor’s instructions in order not to hinder healing.
  • After the operation, you should lie with your head elevated for at least three days.
  • You may experience shock shedding, which is the loss of newly transplanted hair, approximately 4-6 weeks after the procedure. This hair loss is both expected and temporary and provides a solid foundation for healthier hair growth. After six months of hair loss, you will notice that your new hair is growing. In about a year, you will achieve the look you have been waiting for with natural, voluminous hair.
  • Avoid chemical treatments for your hair. It is better to avoid any coloring, curling, or other chemical treatments on the hair at least two weeks before the hair transplant for women’s surgery. If this isn’t possible for you, plan to avoid such things for at least a month after the procedure.
  • Avoid vigorous activities. Your recovery time should be as short as possible. Therefore, you need much rest to recover fully. Avoid strenuous activities for at least 7 to 10 days after surgery. You can resume your normal activities within a week after a hair transplant for women.

When will you see the results of Hair Transplant for Women?

Hair transplant for women results in Turkey is excellent and permanent. Women use different methods to treat their hair loss according to their situation. But all these methods have in common: they lack durability or are time-consuming. The sowing process is the only way that has passed the test and won the satisfaction of all people.

In the opinion of doctors who go to different treatments for beautiful and natural hair, treating female hair loss with a hair transplant is currently the best method.

As a result, women can always give themselves a beautiful appearance with a natural hair transplant and experience the beauty and thickness of their hair for a lifetime with a single hair transplant. Hair transplant for women surgery has always provided many results and benefits to applicants. Take a closer look at the effects of hair transplant for women in Turkey:

  • Filling bald areas: Many reasons make some different areas hair-free. Therefore, women with hair loss and baldness in some areas of their heads can benefit from this procedure and fill these areas with naturally planted hair.
  • Hair thickening in low-density areas: Some women may not be completely bald and only suffer from mild hair loss. In this case, we can thicken the areas with mild hair loss with natural hair.
  • Increasing beauty: Hair has a significant influence on the beauty of every person.
  • Increased self-confidence: Women who avoid communicating with others due to their hair loss and baldness and whose self-confidence shake can regain their lost self-confidence by benefiting from the hair transplant for women procedure.

How Much Does Hair Transplant for Women Cost?

The hair transplant cost for women in Turkey is highly dependent on the patient because how many strands and sessions the patient needs for a natural hair transplant changes the prices.

Another point that affects hair transplant prices for women in Turkey is the choice of the type of doctor because different doctors have experience and skill differences and other points. However, the costs are very affordable in Turkey. If you are considering a hair transplant for women in Turkey, you can contact us immediately and talk to our surgeons directly.


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