Mid Facelift (Endoscopic)

Duration of surgery

Duration of surgery

3-4 hour

Duration of hospitalization

Duration of hospitalization

1  night

Length of stay in hotel

Length of stay in hotel

5  night

Mid Facelift Before After Photos

Before learning more about a mid-facelift, it is crucial to understand the structure of the face and how this area is affected by the aging process.

The face comprises fat, muscle, and skin layers over facial bones. Like a used rubber band, it loses its elasticity over time, and skin tissues weaken. This causes the skin to lose its elasticity and ability to stay alive. Malnutrition, sun exposure without proper protection, and stress are some factors that cause facial aging. In response to these habits, the skin’s elastin and collagen support network is destroyed and soggier.

In addition, another factor that directly affects the structure of the face is the weakening of the facial muscles. When this happens, the fat deposits responsible for making a face appear rounded are lowered and reduced, resulting in hollow areas, saggy cheeks, and prominent wrinkles in the middle of the face.

From 30, the skin’s hyaluronic acid (moisture index) decreases, and collagen production decreases daily. As a result, our skin cannot maintain its elasticity and starts to sag under the influence of gravity. Facial sagging can progress differently in everyone. The faces of people with dry skin first become wrinkled and begin to sag over time. Wrinkles aren’t seen much in fatty skin, but on the other hand, sagging experiences faster.

One of the reasons for the sagging of the middle third of the face isn’t taking good care of our skin. When the first signs of aging appear, adding botulinum toxin touches and filler support will slow down the aging of your face and help it age better.

It will be enough to look in the mirror to understand that your face has lost volume. If the fullness of your cheeks has decreased, your face looks rectangular instead of the oval as before, and your middle face looks flatter, the effects of aging have started to show themselves on your face. Another sign of drooping mid face is the lower eyelids. If the under-eye bags appear prominent and longer than before, you have started facial sagging. The sagging between the cheek and the eyelid causes the person to look older and more tired than they’re. With mid facelift aesthetics, these areas are treated, making your face look smoother, younger, and softer.

Mid facelift in Turkey is a facial rejuvenation operation that covers the lower eyelids, cheeks, and cheekbones. The mid face area is one of the first places where signs of aging see on the face. The lower eyelids, which deform due to environmental factors, sag, and pile on the cheek tissue. Due to the lack of collagen under the skin, the skin tissue loses its elasticity, and the cheekbones begin to look voluminous. When you look in the mirror, you don’t look as full, fresh, and young as before; this is due to the loss of volume and increased wrinkles caused by aging. With endoscopic mid facelift in Turkey, your facelift and you look at least ten years younger. Endoscopic mid facelift gives unique advantages:

  • Regeneration of lost soft tissue in the middle face
  • Lifts sagging cheeks and under-eye bags
  • Reshapes the cheekbone that has lost its fullness
  • Gaining a young and dynamic expression on the face
  • Regulates the distance between the lower eyelid and cheek
  • Removal of deep lines between the nose and lips

What is a Mid Facelift?

A mid facelift removes fine lines and wrinkles in the middle of your face and gives a more aesthetic appearance to facial features. With the effect of gravity and advancing age, sagging on the cheeks, sagging and fine lines in the nose area, and wrinkles in the mouth give an extremely uncomfortable appearance.

However, this annoying situation for many people is disappearing thanks to new technology and device development. A younger appearance is obtained, as middle-aged people prefer mid facelift surgery. Thanks to the applied procedures, tighter facial lines are accepted, and the eyelids gain a more pleasant appearance.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for a Mid Facelift?

A mid facelift is a surgical procedure to remove wrinkles and reduce the visible signs of aging. Most mid facelift candidates share a desire to improve the appearance of their faces. They hope to remove wrinkles and excess skin to look younger and more attractive. This procedure and facial rejuvenation procedures can help many patients achieve these goals. Mid facelift in Turkey isn’t suitable for everyone as it is a serious medical procedure.

The best mid facelift candidates have realistic expectations and follow the advice of their plastic surgeons. There is no ideal age to have a mid-facelift surgery in Turkey. The condition and texture of the skin are more significant factors than age. After meeting with a plastic surgeon, the patient will usually tell whether they’re a good candidate for mid facelift surgery or whether an alternative treatment is preferable.

The best mid facelift candidates share some essential characteristics. Below is a list of factors that can affect whether a person is a good candidate for mid facelift surgery.

  • Skin elasticity: The skin of an optimal facelift candidate retains some of its elasticity. This is important because this operation removes wrinkles by stretching the facial skin. Successful healing with maximum results depends on the skin being still highly supple.
  • Strong bone structure: An optimal facelift candidate will have a well-defined base bone structure that will support and contribute to successful results. Patients with weak facial features may benefit from using facial implants as an alternative to or part of a facelift procedure.
  • Realistic expectations: An optimal mid facelift candidate will understand what the lift can achieve and the limitations of facial plastic surgery procedures. Consulting a qualified plastic surgeon can help patients get the information they need to make the right decision about facelift surgery.
  • Overall good health: An optimal mid facelift candidate will be in general good health and will inform their surgeon ahead of time about any pre-existing medical issues. A facelift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires significant recovery, so it is vital that the patient physically prepares for the surgery.
  • Loose skin on the face or neck: An optimal mid facelift candidate will usually want to remove excess skin on the face or neck and tighten the skin while eliminating wrinkles at the same time. The surgeon cuts off loose skin during the procedure.
Mid Facelift (Endoscopic)
starting from €2900

What Happens During the Mid Facelift Consultation?

Good communication between you and our plastic surgeon is essential. At the initial consultation for mid facelift surgery, our specialist will evaluate your face, including the underlying skin and bone structures, and our doctor will discuss surgical possibilities with you. The doctor will also check your health, including any problems that may complicate surgery, such as high blood pressure, clotting, or healing problems.

It is important to tell your surgeon if you smoke or take any drug, especially aspirin. Suppose you decide to have mid facelift surgery. In that case, our specialist will explain the anesthesia techniques and type, where the surgery will perform, the risks, and the cost of the intervention. Don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon questions, especially about your expectations and results.

Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on preparing for surgery, including guidelines for eating and fluid intake, smoking or taking medications and vitamins and washing your face.

It is crucial to quit smoking at least 1-2 weeks before the surgery. If you have short hair, you may want to let it grow back before surgery to hide the scars better as they heal. Careful compliance will allow the surgery to perform in better conditions.

What are the Risks of a Mid Facelift?

The most common risk of a mid-facelift in Turkey is hematoma (3% of cases). This can occur within the first 12-24 hours after the procedure. Prolonged stiffness of the eyelids and retraction of the scar may also occur. Sometimes, it takes several months to return to normal; we recommend a surgical retouch for others.

The scars formed during the mid-facelift operation in the lower eyelid incision are usually very rare, even at close range. Like all surgical scars, they are permanent and cannot remove.

In some cases, scars may remain of poor quality for several months due to the onset of postoperative complications (hematomas, infections, recessions). Rarely, due to a specific individual reactivity, scars may be red and raised (hypertrophic scars). They tend to regress gradually over months and with necessary treatments. For all the risks of a mid-facelift, follow:

Result defects

  • After the third month, permanent edema (swelling) in specific areas that may require massage,
  • Rapid partial reproduction of tissue relaxation when sagging is evident before the intervention or in patients with particularly thin or thick skin.
  • Overly visible scars (six months to a year) may require surgical retouching.

Risks associated with the surgical procedure

When the mid facelift performs by a qualified and competent plastic surgeon trained in this type of intervention, the risks of surgical complications are minimized. Most interventions go smoothly and give you complete satisfaction. But these risks aren’t zero, and you should be aware of possible complications:

  • Pain and even localized skin necrosis: May be the cause of delayed healing and unpleasant residual scars; This risk is higher in smokers.
  • Infection: It is also scarce after a mid-facelift.
  • Ectropion: It is the downward pulling of the lower eyelid. Its occurrence in the days following the intervention or the first weeks after that may sometimes lead to revision surgery, which may lead to skin grafting. However, simple massages often make it possible to achieve good scar relaxation and healing without re-operation. This complication is rare, but adequate management is necessary to avoid any risk of ocular complications (inflammation, dryness). A tendency to round eyes (moderate drooping of the lower eyelid) can also observe.
  • Nerve damage: Sometimes, loss of sensitivity of the upper lip observes. It is often reversible. In the case of the associated temporal lift, there is a possibility of paralysis of the earthly branch of the facial nerve, which is responsible for raising the eyebrow. This makes it impossible to lift the eyebrow with asymmetry between the two sides. This asymmetry is temporary primarily, and botulinum toxin injected into the other eyebrow makes it possible to achieve better symmetry during recovery if the patient wishes.
  • Bad scars: Abnormal, hypertrophic, and even keloid scars, unpredictable appearance, and evolution can compromise the aesthetic appearance of the result and may require specific local treatments, sometimes taking a long time; these abnormalities are exceptional in the eyelids.

Anesthesia-related complications

A mid facelift is a planned intervention (as opposed to an emergency) offered to healthy patients. Under these conditions, we use modern anesthesia techniques. Thus, your risks of complications related to anesthesia become statistically almost negligible.

As with any surgical procedure, a mid-facelift is preceded by a consultation with an anesthesiologist whose purpose is to explain the various risks and assess whether anesthesia is suitable for you under normal safety conditions. In conclusion, you should not exaggerate the risks; be aware that a seemingly simple surgery always involves a small margin of danger.

How Do You Prepare for a Mid Facelift?

There are several facelifts, each specific for treating different face areas. For example, a mid-facelift does treat the middle part of the face. Age-related changes in the upper and lower face are correct by forehead lift and lower face rejuvenation, respectively.

In addition, the doctor can treat drooping and swelling of the eyelids with eyelid surgery. During the mid-facelift, the underlying tissues tighten, and the fat pads that give shape and volume to the face shift upwards, resulting in a tighter and younger appearance. It is essential to know that moderate facial rejuvenation cannot correct loose skin on the neck or jawline and cannot treat fine lines or skin tone and texture irregularly.

Our doctor will help you determine which procedure is best for you and whether an additional procedure such as eyelid surgery or skin resurfacing will result in more extensive facial rejuvenation. A mid facelift can take about an hour and a half, depending on the extent of the treatment. Before starting the procedure, the treatment area will be cleaned and anesthetized. The process will be performed under general anesthesia, after which you will fall asleep.

Mid facelift preparation is mainly like other surgical operations. In any case, you will undergo medical tests to determine your state of health. The doctor gives instructions to follow in the period before surgery to ensure your success. It would be best if you stopped taking drugs containing cortisone, aspirin, or warfarin one week before surgery, as these substances can increase blood flow and increase bruising and swelling. Some of them increase your chances of infection. It would be best to stop taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers to avoid bleeding during surgery.

What is the procedure of Mid Facelift?

Endoscopic mid facelift in Turkey aims to rejuvenate the middle part of the face, that is, from the lower part of the eyes to the nasolabial region. When the signs of time are more pronounced on the upper or lower parts of the face, a forehead lift or the lower third of the face can be applied, respectively. For the steps of the endoscopic mid facelift procedure in Turkey, follow:

  • Anesthesia

Endoscopic facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and in a hospital setting. Thus, you can comfortably undergo the operation.

  • Incision

Our surgeon makes an incision on your lower eyelid or scalp according to your suitability during the surgery. The doctor then inserts small endoscopic cameras. Thanks to the endoscopic cameras, your fat pads rise quickly. With the removal of your fat tissue, your cheekbones regain their former clarity, and your cheeks look much fresher.

Endoscopic mid-facelift surgery eliminates the deep lines between your nose and lips. This procedure has a lifting effect on the face.

  • Incision closure

Although not necessary, the surgeon may place a surgical drain under the skin after making all adjustments to the structures below the face. The aim is to prevent fluid formation during the recovery period of mid facelift surgery. Incisions made in the mouth and hair are closed with sutures.

An endoscopic mid facelift is a very comfortable procedure. A short downtime is required as there are minimal bruising and swelling and no visible incision lines. This smoothest fine lines around the mouth, providing a more balanced and youthful appearance. The main benefits of the endoscopic mid facelift procedure include:

  • Almost invisible incision and scars
  • Minimal bruising, swelling, or bleeding
  • No hair loss
  • Fast recovery process

How is the Recovery After Mid Facelift?

  • It is normal to experience pain, swelling, and bruising after mid-face lift surgery, as in every postoperative period. However, these symptoms fade over time, which can take several weeks.
  • The surgeon may apply a looser bandage or compression garment to speed the healing of the mid facelift. This mesh is tight, helping to reduce swelling. It also prevents the formation of fluid. It provides you with more support and comfort in the postoperative period.
  • The removal time of the bandage and the compression mesh may differ from each other. The first can be done in a few days, while the second needs a few weeks. If the doctor uses a surgical drain during the mid-facelift, the doctor will remove it the day after the procedure.
  • Even if you feel very comfortable in the first or second week after mid facelift surgery, we recommend that you avoid heavy activities such as physical exercise. It would be best to drink plenty of fluids and avoid bending your head and making sudden movements.
  • As for the recovery period, you must rest for up to three weeks and follow the surgeon’s recommendations so that the body has enough time to complete the recovery.

How are Mid Facelift Results?

The results of the mid facelift procedure in Turkey become more visible as the bruising and swelling caused by the method disappear. It is common for you to notice the first symptoms soon after surgery.

We must make it clear that each person’s healing process happens differently. Therefore, in some patients, this step may take months to complete.

Although the mid facelift doesn’t stop the aging process, it significantly reduces wrinkles, skin sagging, and facial sagging, making a face look younger for longer. However, it is aftercare that will guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment.

How Much is a Mid Facelift?

Mid facelift costs in Turkey are much more affordable than in other countries. The main reason for this is the exchange rate difference and high demand. However, mid facelift prices in Turkey vary according to the surgeon, anesthesia, materials, techniques, and skin type.

You can contact us immediately if you want an endoscopic mid facelift procedure in Turkey. You can call us anytime, fill out our contact form or write to us anytime from live support. We will be glad to see you.


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